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If you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor space and make entertaining guests easier, consider installing a screen room. A screen room is an enclosed outdoor space that is covered in mesh screens to keep out insects, debris, and other pests. Not only do they provide an enjoyable outdoor living area, but they can also help you entertain guests comfortably and safely. Here are 6 ways a screen room will make hosting guests easier.

Increased Privacy

Screen rooms offer increased privacy while still allowing natural sunlight and fresh air in. This makes them the perfect spot for entertaining guests and enjoying some peace and quiet away from prying eyes or busy neighbors. Plus, with extra privacy comes more freedom to relax without worrying about anyone overhearing conversations or seeing into the screen room from outside.

Protection from the Elements

Whether it’s rain or snow, extreme heat or cold temperatures, a screen room will protect your guests from whatever Mother Nature throws at you. With Maclin Security Doors’ custom-built screen rooms, you can choose the type of material used for your roofing to ensure maximum protection from the elements all year round.

No More Bugs!

No one likes having bugs buzzing around while trying to enjoy dinner with friends outdoors. With a screened-in area like Maclin Security Doors’ custom-built screen rooms, however, you won’t have to worry about pesky insect intruders anymore! Our specially designed mesh screens will keep pesky bugs out so you can enjoy spending time with your family or friends without disturbance.

Added Space for Guests

Screen rooms are perfect if you need extra space when entertaining larger groups of friends or family members. They add extra square footage to your home without having to build any permanent structures onto your property. Whether indoors or outdoors, Maclin Security Doors’ custom-built screen rooms give you plenty of space for everyone to move around comfortably without feeling cramped up inside the house!

Enhanced Ambiance

When it comes time to entertain guests outdoors, a well-designed screen room will definitely enhance the atmosphere of any gathering! With our custom-built designs at Maclin Security Doors in Memphis TN, we’ll take into account what kind of look and feel you want to achieve when creating your screened-in area so that it fits perfectly into your home’s style and architecture.

Call Maclin Security Today to Get Started with Your Memphis Screen Room Today!

Screen rooms offer numerous benefits that make entertaining guests easier than ever before! Upgrade your outdoor living area with ease while ensuring that hosting guests is always an enjoyable experience! Install one of Maclin Security Doors’ custom built screen rooms today! Learn how to get started by contacting us today!