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In Memphis, summer is truly a special time of year—but it can also bring pesky bugs and unbearable heat. That’s why adding a screen room to your backyard is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about mosquitoes or scorching temperatures. But how do you design the perfect screen room? Let Maclin Security Doors show you how!

Choose the Right Size and Shape for Your Screen Room

When designing your perfect screen room, size and shape are two critical factors to consider. At Maclin Security Doors, we offer a wide range of sizes and shapes to fit any space. We understand that every backyard is unique, so we can customize our products to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for an 8×10 square design or an 18×18 octagonal shape, we’ve got you covered! Plus, our team of experienced professionals will work with you to make sure your new screen room fits perfectly into your space.

Materials Matter

At Maclin Security Doors, we only use top-of-the-line materials in our screen rooms. Our products are designed to be strong and durable while still allowing natural light into your space. We have a variety of materials available, including steel frames and mesh screens that are resistant to rust, corrosion, fading, chalking, cracking, or peeling. Plus, all our materials meet local building codes for safety and security. Rest assured knowing that not only will your new screen room look great but it will also be built to last!

Add Finishing Touches

Once you’ve chosen the right size and shape for your space as well as the appropriate materials for construction, it’s time to think about finishing touches! A variety of options are available when customizing your new screen room including retractable shades or sunscreens that roll down when extra protection from the elements is needed; ceiling fans for those hot summer days; outdoor lights; and even outdoor speakers so you can listen to your favorite tunes while relaxing in your new oasis!

Contact Maclin Security Doors in Memphis for Help Designing Your Screen Room Today!

With Maclin Security Doors on your side, designing the perfect screen room for your backyard has never been easier! Our team of experts is here to help guide you through every step along the way from choosing the right size and shape for your space to selecting top-of-the-line materials that meet local building codes as well as adding some finishing touches like shades or fans. So, if you’re looking for a place where quality meets affordability when it comes to designing a custom screen room in Memphis this summer season—look no further than Maclin Security Doors! Contact us today!